Monday, May 7, 2012

Thing 2: Investigate some other blogs

Reading other people's blogs is a very enjoyable way to spend a bank holiday! The Delicious Bookmarks are helpful to see sectors but I can't see any other librarians in third sector libraries, so I think I'll post a tweet to see if there are any out there. The blogs I have read vary enormously from people who have been blogging for a while and some who are just beginning the CPD23 journey. There seem to have been quite a few "lurkers" last year who are now participating so I have asked one, Venturing online  , for tips they may have learnt.  Everyone is at different stages of their career - I'm interested to know if new newer professionals feel more confident with social media so I've asked Dewey Decibelle (great blog name!) what she was taught at library school.
The list of participants on Twitter is also helpful and I've no doubt I'll be calling on everyone else for advice very soon!


  1. Hello! Thanks for the namecheck :) I *sort of* count as third-sector as the think-tank I work for is a registered charity but we're not strictly third-sector in our scope/activities I suppose...

  2. Hi Wendy - where did you see the list of participants on Twitter? Thanks

    1. Hi Julie, Annie Johnson (@Annie_Bob) has created a list of participants. Send her a tweet to say you are doing cpd23 and she'll add you to the list.

  3. Hi Wendy, I'm a sector-hopping librarian, rather than a third sector type, but I'm really looking forward to following your blog. My first post-lib-school job was in the braille & cassette library at RNIB Peterborough - I imagine things have changed massively since 1998! Good luck with the rest of cpd23.
