Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thing 1 - Create your own blog, write about what you hope to get out of the programme

Hello and welcome to my blog for the 23 things!

I'm a librarian for the RNIB National Library Service. We provide blind and and partially sighted readers with books in audio, braille and giant print. We also work to influence mainstream libraries to make their services accessible. My role in the library involves cataloguing and stock management as well as managing our contact with the 6 Steps Champions assigned by public library authorities.

This is actually my 2nd blog. I created a personal blog a couple of years ago, but didn't really know what it was for or who would be interested in it. I'm hoping that doing the 23 things will get me into the habit of blogging as I think it will be a very useful tool for reflecting and recording events. As a working mum I need all the help I can to remember things!

I'm looking forward to learning new skills with the 23 things and improve my knowledge of the things I already know. I use twitter regularly ( @mrswtaylor ) and am on LinkedIn although I'm not sure I'm using it effectively. From the programme I can see that there are plenty of gaps in my knowledge. I'm also interested in improving my network. As a librarian in a special library it is easy to feel on the outside of the profession. I am Treasurer for the Cataloguing and Indexing Group and have found this a very useful way of making contacts but I'd like to reach out to people in my local area.

Well I think that's enough for now - next thing is to find some useful blog posts to follow.


  1. Hi Wendy! I'm also blogging for cpd23 this year, but unlike you am just using one blog for my professional and personal blog. I can see the benefits of seperate blogs but I have too many online places to keep track of as it is! Hopefully people can use the tags to filter my posts they'd be interested in.

  2. I can totally agree with some of your points here, I've done blogging and twitter but I really want to improve what I already know and try things I haven't before - hence the decision to to cpd23 :)

  3. Wow comments - thank you both! I'm sure in the end I'll use this blog for personal stuff as well - I started with two twitter accounts but now only have one. Good luck to both of you with cpd23.
